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New Single "She Calls Me An Angel" Out Now

RALEIGH, NC — Renowned singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, actor and music producer Jason Damico, wrote Best Soundtrack Nominated single “She Calls Me An Angel” to appear on Baltimore’s Award Winning Web Series Rosemary Street starring Johnny Alonso (Outer Banks, Gotham, One Tree Hill), Parijita Bastola (The Voice, John Legend), Kique Gomez (The Voice). Jason also makes regular contributions to the series creative on screen as regular supporting character Sklyer ‘O' Odin. 

Written by Damico after the severing of a long-distance relationship, “She Calls Me An Angel” captures the essence and relatability of choosing to walk away from an incredible love due to the challenges and complications that come with timing and overall life choices. 

“Yeah, she calls me an angel, why I’m not really sure, these days I feel more like the devil, for walkin’ out her door.” 

“This song tells the story of having to walk away from a very strong love because of bad timing and complications – and the remorsefully twinged nostalgia that can come with it” says Damico.

Before its official release, “She Calls Me An Angel” was included within Rosemary Street, which garnered Best Soundtrack Nominations from both the LA Web Fest and The Miami Web Fest.

“When I found out that ‘She Calls Me An Angel’ was included in the soundtrack as well as some of my other music from earlier in my career, I was thrilled – but it soon dawned on me that they had included the sort-of polished demo that I had originally sent in when they requested it for the placement” says Damico. “So we ended up having to set an official release date so the song could actually be streamable by the time the Web Series launches! It’s funny because this was just a country-esk song that I had written about an incredible girl I was dating for a while during the pandemic - the song means a lot to me personally so I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to release it, but once it got recognized by the LA and Miami film festival circuit we kind of had to get it out in the world - so that’s one roundabout way to have a debut country release!”

The songwriting process of “She Calls Me An Angel” originally stems from a raw acoustic and vocal Voice Memo App.

Damico reflects, “It was very personal and emotional to me when I wrote it. As I’ve experienced many times before, the song practically wrote itself within perhaps 30-60 minutes. I immediately began to start building a polished demo version in the studio with classic throw-back 80s Linn Drum machine samples with an acoustic scratch track - then layered some bass and used a tele for the solo. I’m a big Johnny Cash fan and loved some of the simplistic low end piano notes that were used on ‘Hurt’ and ‘When The Man Comes Around’ and snuck those in with some of the bass parts - it just seemed to add that classic country-americana nostalgia vibe along with the more uptempo blues-rock feel. And then I just kept adding vocal parts and harmonies that I couldn’t help but hear in my head.”

As an artist, Jason’s lyrics offer a comforting relatability to those who have felt something similar – who may even still be facing the emotional complications of relationship ambiguity. “I hope that whoever hears the song can feel like they aren’t alone in not understanding why a certain relationship or anything else for that matter in life didn’t quite workout the way that they thought it would – that it’s ok to reminisce on beautiful memories even though you knew in your gut you had to walk away from them at the time,” says Jason. 


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